Kings Weston House

Kings Weston House have spent 3 years lovingly restoring the property, from top to bottom, and would now like to invite you to share our home for your wedding day.

There are three main rooms that you can hold a legal ceremony in. They are all breath taking but have a very different feel. The portrait gallery situated at the front of the house & is very light and airy. It’s a real fairy tale room with blue walls and a pink ceiling. It can hold up to 120 guests. The Grand Hall is a breath taking room where you can wow your guests by walking down from the sweeping suspended staircase. The Oak room is our smallest room but one of our favourites. It has the most beautiful detailed wallpaper and a hanging golden chandelier. It also over looks Kings Weston House grounds. Holds 50 & is suitable for our small weddings package

Prices start from just £150